

speedtest-cli 指令是一個可以在終端機中直接測試網路速度的小工具,他本身是一個用Python 寫成的指令稿,使用Speedtest.net 的伺服器來做網路速度測試,可以 ...

Speedtest CLI by Ookla

speedtest - Speedtest CLI by Ookla is the official command line client for testing the speed and performance of your internet connection. Version. 1.0.0 ...

sivelspeedtest-cli: Command line interface for testing ...

Command line interface for testing internet bandwidth using speedtest.net. License: Apache-2.0 license. 13.7k stars. 1.9k forks.

Install speedtest cli by Ookla on Ubuntu using the Snap Store

speedtest is an application that measures the latency, jitter, packet loss, download bandwidth, and upload bandwidth of the network connection ...

Install speedtest cli by Ookla on Linux | Snap Store

speedtest is an application that measures the latency, jitter, packet loss, download bandwidth, and upload bandwidth of the network connection ...

Using a fixed server ID with OOkla speedtest-cli

The only proper way to do what you need, is by using the official speedtest application.

Introducing Speedtest® CLI

Speedtest CLI is the next step in providing developers and engineers low level access to programmatically measure internet performance.

CLI Windows speedtest : rsysadmin

I'm looking for a CLI speedtest that runs on windows available for commercial use. Currently I've seen the one from ookla, but the EULA states it's prohibited ...

Speedtest by Ookla

Speedtest is better with the app. Download the Speedtest app for more metrics, video testing, mobile coverage maps, and more. Get it on Google Play.

Internet speed test for the command line

Internet connection measurement for developers. Speedtest CLI brings the trusted technology and global server network behind Speedtest to the command line.


speedtest-cli指令是一個可以在終端機中直接測試網路速度的小工具,他本身是一個用Python寫成的指令稿,使用Speedtest.net的伺服器來做網路速度測試,可以 ...,speedtest-SpeedtestCLIbyOoklaistheofficialcommandlineclientfortestingthespeedandperformanceofyourinternetconnection.Version.1.0.0 ...,Commandlineinterfacefortestinginternetbandwidthusingspeedtest.net.License:Apache-2.0license.13.7kstars.1.9kforks....